Well folks, we did it – we are out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This is day 4, and it has gone surprisingly fast – for the most part. Let’s start at the very beginning…a very good place to start. (Is anybody singing yet?)
We left Pokai Bay (west side of Oahu) on Tuesday morning and headed north. We couldn’t have been more than an hour out when the wind and waves got a little crazy. First big event…In the forward part of the salon (main living area) there are two hatches. They can either be open, closed, or vented, which is a position that lets a little air in. And, as it turns out, a LOT of seawater when a giant wave breaks over the bow. We both know better than to leave these hatches in any position other than closed when going out to sea. Not sure what we were thinking – maybe first day nerves? In any case, we cleaned up the water and kept moving along. It seems, however, that the stereo system is not a big fan of being drenched in seawater – can’t say that I blame it. Jury is still out on the Captain’s laptop.
The next 48 hours were pure survival mode. Henry the Wonder Dog is the only one onboard that didn’t get sea sick – and we normally aren’t the sea sick type. Winds were steady 25 knots, but more importantly, the seas were very confused, i.e., the waves were not in a normal pattern. Felt a bit like I imagine a forgotten toy soldier left in a child’s pocket would feel whilst being tossed about in a washing machine on the heavy duty setting. Thankfully, we had Dramamine and Relief Bands onboard, both of which helped significantly as we waited for smoother seas.
On the second night we gained a passenger. Seems a sea bird decided to hitchhike across the Pacific, and thought we looked like a good enough ride. He was really cute. He must have had some good meals recently though, because he shat. All. Over. The. Boat. Needless to say, the Cap’n evicted him in no uncertain terms the next morning. Yesterday and today have been beautiful, with a little lighter winds (mostly under 20 knots) and much less confused seas.
The sunrise this morning was spectacular. We are all three doing very well and enjoying the heck out of the smoother sailing. Hope you all enjoy the heck out of your weekend doing whatever you love. Until next time…live the adventure!